Week of Oct. 7th

We will watch a short video on organ growth and work on the basis of genetics.
Study sheet for theme 3 is due Thursday.

Math: This week we looked at the test on Rational Numbers together and reviewed the questions that were more difficult for students. I encourage students to come in at lunch if they still have difficulties. For the rest of the week, we will continue our chapter on exponents and students have a quiz this Thursday on the 5 exponents laws. We will play a exponent bingo on Wednesday to review exponents before the quiz.


ELA:Language Power 9
We wrote our poems based on Kipling's "If". The work was very well done. We also read the short story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" so that we can practice our story writing next week. A dream sequence using the character of Walter, in a scenario that is complementary to the original short story. Language Power 10 will be due on Friday.

The good copy of the written portion of your anecdote is due on Monday!  We will have a couple of days in the lab to work on the video portion of the assignment.  The project in its entirety will now be due on Tuesday, October 15th.  Please share the video with me through google docs and print the written portion with adjectives and verbs identified.   Those of you who were wanting to take a retest for the past tense quiz, I will be opening up one additional tutorial on Monday and pushing the retest date to Tuesday at lunch in the library.  Bring your food.  You must attend at least one tutorial in order to be eligible to take the retest.



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