Week of January 6

Math : Welcome back and happy new year. We started the week by reviewing our test on symmetry and surface area. We also began a new chapter this week on solving equations (Chapter 8). Students will have a Quiz on these new concepts Monday of next week.

Over the next few weeks we will be working on a reading project. This means that all students need to have a book to read every day in class. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry & graphic novels are all acceptable, as long as they are at the reading level of the student. At the completion of reading the book, students will be responsible for presenting what they have learned about the novel. They will be given choice as far as how to present the information: GoogleSlide, powerpoint, poster etc.

The following Language Power lessons must be completed by January 27th:
Language Power 17 - 22

All incomplete assignments for class must be handed in by January 20th. This means that students can redo assignments if they are unhappy with their mark. Please check PowerSchool to see what your child is missing. Lunchtime tutorials are available every Tuesday.


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